More on the Splasher

March 1, 2007

The Splasher is still at it. He/she made NYT’s B1 today, with one good picture and one photo that is completely irrelevant to the story. (Oh, wait. Behind the dude, there’s a Splashered painting. I have to say I’m not too impressed with whoever edited these photos today.)

Marc Schiller, who runs a Web site about street art called the Wooster Collective,, and who organized a large show of street artists in an unoccupied SoHo building in December, said that he was disturbed by the ease with which art could be destroyed by a anonymous figure.

I guess that’s what disturbs me about the whole thing, even though I still believe (as Chris Combs said more eloquently than I ever could) that the “hierarchy of mystique in street art deserves to be questioned.” Life and art are so fragile.

 (Also, as an aside, does it bother anyone else that this paragraph doesn’t mention that Wooster on Spring was organized with the cooperation of the new building’s owners? Not only does it leave the hint of insinuation that the project was, like other street art, “just as unlawful as the paint splashed onto it,” but it stiffs Caroline Cummings and the other owners who were willing to support the project, taking away the credit they deserve. I didn’t get to see Wooster on Spring, but I can imagine what kind of risk it must have been to give support to what the outside world probably sees as “a graffiti project.”)

2 Responses to “More on the Splasher”

  1. chriscombs Says:

    As we all know, photos with people in them are automatically better than those without!

    You’re right; the Times might have been better served by printing an overall that actually shows the art in context, complete with people walking by, and a detail. Neither photo really gives the viewer an idea of where this artwork is, or whether you have to be a trendy urban explorer to find it.

    and good catch on the Wooster on Spring.

  2. Rachel, thanks for your comment today. It’s nice to compare career trajectories and see what works – and what doesn’t.

    Also, keep up the good work on your blog – I enjoy that you continue to question what you read.

    The Editorialiste.

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